end-of-life care
A contemplative practice behind the headset aims to help terminally ill patients and their loved ones transcend physical limitations.
CultureMagazine | Books, Reviews
The End of Suffering
A maternity doctor turns to restoring dignity to the end of life.
Doulas at the Other End of Life
Caregivers are there when we’re born. Now they guide us through our final days.
CultureMagazine | Film, Reviews
Everyday Mortality
Netflix ventures into a contemplation of impermanence with End Game
A Good Death
Aiming for any preferred version of death is fraught with opportunities for disappointment and rejection when the time comes.
Lucy Kalanithi to Speak About Death and Dying at Upcoming SFZC Panel
Getting ready for what we can all expect
Things to consider as your parents age
Tricycle contributing editor Katy Butler recently interviewed Jeff Bridges for our upcoming August issue, and, as frequent visitors to our site know by now, you can watch Jeff and Bernie Glassman shooting the breeze in our…
A Caregiver’s Story: Kaz Suzuki
Around 1989, my partner Raymond, with whom I ended up living for eleven years, began to show some symptoms of HIV-related illness. Considering we were a Japanese and American couple, everyone thinks that I was the…
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