Eco-feminist writer and philosopher Susan Griffin on meditation, creativity, and environmentalism
Awakening the Fierce Feminine
Pamela Weiss, author of A Bigger Sky: Awakening a Fierce Feminine Buddhism, shares stories of Buddhist women who illuminate how feminine energy can support people in their practice. These often overlooked figures exemplify qualities cultivated on…
Toward a Thai Feminist Movement
A survivor of domestic violence seeks to reform Thai society by focusing on trauma, gender, and sexuality.
An Artist’s Buddhist-Feminist Renaissance
Michela Martello draws on her Italian and Buddhist roots to raise questions around gender and womanhood.
The Nuns’ Revolution: Restoration of Bhikkhuni Ordination
Three determined women take on the patriarchy by reviving an abandoned Buddhist tradition and becoming the first fully-ordained Theravada Buddhist nuns in their nations’ modern histories.
Anne Waldman Takes on the Patriarchy One Poem at a Time
Trickster Feminism combines feminist history, mythology, and political protest.
Nasty Woman Meditation
How to tap into the fierce feminine power in all of us.
Magazine | Letter From The Editor
Nasty Women Rising
A letter from Tricycle’s editor
Mind the Gap
How might Buddhists navigate the #MeToo movement?
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