Welcome to the first guided meditation for Tricycle Meditation Month, when we invite our readers to sit every day for the month of March!

Over the next four weeks, meditation teacher Mindy Newman will be discussing various obstacles to establishing a daily practice, including working through physical discomfort, setting an intention, keeping an open mind, and reducing self-criticism.

The videos will be posted every Thursday throughout the month on our blog, Trike Daily, and are free to watch.

In her first talk, Newman invites you to check in with your body. Physical uneasiness is a major hindrance to people who struggle to maintain a regular practice. Here, Newman explains how to build a comfortable and sturdy posture from the ground up.

Download a copy of this talk. It has been edited for clarity.

Join Newman for an introductory live call on Wednesday, March 7th from 8-9pm EST on our Meditation Month Facebook page, where she will be available to answer any questions you have about your practice. And mark your calendars: Newman will wrap up Meditation Month with a second live call on March 28 from 8-9pm EST.

Learn more about Tricycle’s Meditation Month, sign up for weekly emails, and join a Facebook group to engage with fellow practitioners across the globe.

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