Rachel Hiles
Rachel Hiles was Tricycle’s managing editor until June 2013.
Q&A with the Executive Director of the New York Insight Meditation Center
Meditation Month, Day 26: No more planning
This week I’ve been working on practicing lovingkindness and one of the phrases that Sharon suggested for week 4’s lovingkindness practice has really resonated with me: I wish you happiness and peace, and I know I…
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | This Buddhist Life
An interview with Ananda Badet
A Q&A with oncology nurse Ananda Badet
CultureMagazine | Web Exclusive
Fire + Water
An Interview with Shinso Ito
Compassion Restored
An interview with Karen Armstrong, creator of the Charter for Compassion
Humanized Once More
Before arriving in New York City almost 56 years ago, the 15-foot bronze statue pictured on the cover stood in a park in Hiroshima, Japan, just over a mile from ground zero of the atomic bomb…
Behind the Scenes of the Summer 2011 Cover Shoot
With photographer Lisa Elmaleh
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | This Buddhist Life
An Interview with Venerable Pannavati Karuna
A Q&A with Venerable Pannavati Karuna, co-Abbot of Embracing Simplicity Hermitage
A Spinal Injury Sangha
Kanak Mani Dixit and the Spinal Injury Sangha Nepal
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