Good Work
Last May, former Marine Daniel Goolsby, 61, lost his job and fell into a deep depression. His savings gone, he was three months behind on his rent—and fed up with psychiatrists who wanted to “fix” his…
Attention to Death
So many deaths I have been a part of, so many patients, families, caregivers, and volunteers have touched my life. Together we’ve created a kind of peaceful revolution whose battle cry is as quiet and profound…

Art As A Weapon
Last year street artist Shepard Fairey spent several days painting a three-story-high mural of a Burmese monk on the side of a building in downtown San Diego, and Breadtruck Films’ Jeffrey Durkin was there to film…

Healed People Heal People
Rusty Trunzo and the Insight Prison Project

Feeding the World’s Hungry
Bhikkhu Bodhi and the Buddhist Global Relief

Dispelling the Darkness
Shinjo Ito and the Shinnyo-en Foundation

A Spinal Injury Sangha
Kanak Mani Dixit and the Spinal Injury Sangha Nepal

A Walk to Remember
Jeana Moore and the Steps To Marrow Program
Charities Fall 2010
Despite some of the best animal protection laws in the world and a renowned heritage of reverence for life, modern India is a country where millions of animals suffer severe neglect or abuse. Help Animals India…

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