A scholar-practitioner explores conflicting stances on eating meat across Buddhist traditions
Personal Reflections Environment
Why Trees Are the Ultimate Meditation Teachers
In Buddhism, trees have long been recognized as living things worthy of recognition and protection.
The Buddha as a Farmer
How the farming culture of the Buddha’s day may have shaped his ideas on patience
Your Despair over the Environment Is Valid. Embrace It.
Susan Bauer-Wu’s new book, A Future We Can Love, reminds us that in order to effectively face the climate crisis, we need to accept our emotions with compassion.
Tree Root Practice
American Theravada teacher Jack Kornfield reflects on the lessons he learned from nature while studying in the forest tradition.
Lichen Days
What fungi and the practice of Miksang—a contemplative photographic tradition—can teach us about interdependence
A Prayer for Eclipses
A writer and meditation teacher invokes a Dzogchen prayer from the primordial buddha Samantabhadra
No Time To Lose
We have to accept the reality that climate change is already here and learn to live in our new world—a world on fire.
Personal Reflections Environment
Climate Grief, Communal Power
A Zen teacher invokes the Parable of the Mustard Seed to call for intersectional solidarity from the larger Buddhist community
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