Buddhist teachings, meditations, and updates to help us remain equanimous and compassionate amid the novel coronavirus – COVID-19 – outbreak.

Buddhist hospice founder Frank Ostaseski talks with media scholar Bernhard Poerksen about the invisibility of death and the virtualization of dying in the pandemic.

Deepening Our Resolve
Three years into the challenges of life during a pandemic, a chapter from the Diamond Sutra offers light and guidance.

A Reciprocity of Presence
While investigating how psilocybin can support healthcare workers experiencing burnout from the pandemic, a palliative care physician discovers another mode of healing: being present.

‘The Same Storm’: A Lockdown Look Back
The film, shot on iPhones and laptops in the early days of the pandemic, goes further than simply expressing our interconnection.

The Doctor and His Guru
Epidemiologist Larry Brilliant talks with German media scholar Bernhard Poerksen about the dangers of nationalism in times of a pandemic, and the eradication of smallpox as a lesson in global cooperation.

COVID Inside the Monastery
Thai monks recount their experience during the pandemic

Seamless Monument: A Year of Vigil for the Pandemic Dead—and Beyond
As the country opens up, we must keep honoring those we’ve lost.

Dharma Centers Reopen Their Doors
After a year of meditating over Zoom, Buddhist communities slowly return to in-person events.

The Anxiety of Ending
Managing the fear of returning to “normal life” after COVID-19

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