In honor of Pride Month, here is a collection of articles from Tricycle’s archives that celebrate strides toward equality.

My Foxy Body
Engaging with trans identity through the teachings of the Buddha

Sometimes, You Need Only One Book
Michael Lobsang Tenpa looks back at the young adult novel series that taught him the basics of bodhisattva ethics and showed him that queer people belong in the world of wizardry and compassion too.

A Transgender Buddhist Trailblazer 20+ Years Later
The first openly transgender Buddhist teacher speaks about what has changed since she came out over 20 years ago.

Coming Out Whole
A Buddhist teacher explains why she came out as transgender in the nineties.

We’re Queer And We’ve Been Here
Rediscovering Buddhism’s LGBT history of gay monks, homoerotic samurai, and gender-nonconforming practitioners and gods

Working Through the Strong Emotions of Sexual Identity
On a 40-day meditation retreat, dharma teacher and LGBTQ activist Jay Michaelson came to the shocking realization that, deep down, he would change his orientation if he could.

Meditation Teacher Larry Yang Named Grand Marshal in S.F. Pride
The self-described “queer dharma teacher” talks about Buddhism's role in creating social change.

A Big Gay History of Same-sex Marriage in the Sangha
Without fanfare, American Buddhists have been performing same-sex marriages for over 40 years.

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