
If we use up our energy to resist our circumstances, we won’t be able to dedicate it to the work of true transformation.

Personal Reflections Mindfulness
Mixing Your Mind with Space
The power of dropping into open awareness and waking down into the wisdom of the body

Personal Reflections Mindfulness
Drawing Our Impermanence
How a creative mindfulness program is helping NYC-based seniors to live a second life

Starting from Silence
Mindfulness coach George Mumford reflects on the importance of beginner’s mind in the process of recovery—and his practice of learning to pray for the people who annoy him.

Personal Reflections Mindfulness
Mindfulness and Playfulness
On a more equitable and inclusive approach to practice

Exploring the Protective Qualities of Sati
In an excerpt for our latest online course, The Five Spiritual Powers, Gaia House’s Jake Dartington reflects on the many functions of mindfulness.

Love Is Being There
How mindfulness practice can help us make time to love

Aha! Moments
What brain science tells us about breakthroughs

Mindfulness in the Office
Andrew Olendzki explains how a challenging—even overwhelming—job can be an ideal practice ground for insight meditation.

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