Insight Meditation teacher Sebene Selassie attends Instagram Live dance parties called Club Quarantine, DJ’ed by D-Nice. She and her dharma friends (along with up to 200,000 other people) participate together.

buddhist teachers in quarantine

Zen teacher Koshin Paley Ellison’s cat, Boychik (Yiddish for “sweet little boy”), has thoroughly enjoyed having loving attention all day and night, reminding Paley Ellison that consistent care is a type of practice.

David Loy has been maintaining the lodge and trails at the Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center in Colorado, keeping the grounds in tip-top shape for camping retreats, which resumed in late June.

Tibetan Buddhist teacher Khentrul Rinpoche has been uploading talks to SoundCloud to help people through the pandemic with his lessons from the non-sectarian Rimé movement.

Buddhist chaplain Sumi Loundon Kim stays grounded by spending time with her daughter, Priya, and their cat, Brenda. Gentle teasing from Priya and Sonjae, Sumi’s son, has “kept her real” and humble during this difficult time.

Meditation teacher Mindy Newman started her first container garden to balance her ongoing practice as a psychotherapist during the pandemic.

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