TeachingsMagazine | Practice, Teachings
Death and Dying
How to meet the inevitability of death
The Wooden Puppet and the Iron Man
What two Zen archetypes of fearlessness can teach us about embodying compassion in the face of death and dying
The Bardo of Cancer
Buddhist tools to navigate the diagnosis, treatment, and aftermath of terminal illness
Beauty Saved My Life
How compiling a book on a 19th-century Buddhist nun gave a chronically ill writer the strength to fight to the death
Personal Reflections Death & Dying
Free from Suffering and Free to Suffer
A Colombian Zen monk reflects on a teaching imparted by his mother’s death
On Grief, Willpower, and Finding Happiness
Author and Creative Writing Professor Yiyun Li speaks with Ann Tashi Slater about grief, willpower, and finding happiness.
Death Is a Part of Life
A mindfulness of death practice inspired by the Buddha’s teachings in the Maranasati Sutta
Practicing Mindfulness of Death
Nikki Mirghafori discusses practicing mindfulness of death and leads a guided meditation inspired by the Buddha’s discourse in the Maranassati Sutta.
Personal Reflections Illness & Care
Inviting Everything into the Room
A palliative care physician reflects on how his Buddhist practice has transformed his ability to accompany patients through illness and death.
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