
The ancient king’s edicts form a surprisingly modern campaign platform.

I Am This Chaos
Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, a practitioner finds insight in shadowboxing with the far right.

Right Speech, Left Speech
Practicing meaningful dialogue in a time of polarization

Do We Really ‘Have No Choice?’
An Israeli Buddhist argues that if we truly yearned for peace, we would respect human dignity.

A Call to Conscience
Theravada monk Bhikkhu Bodhi calls for the emergence of a collective Buddhist voice of conscience.
IdeasMagazine | Letter From The Editor
A Way Through
A letter from Tricycle's editor.

Health Care for All Beings
Like calling upon the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha for spiritual support, universal health care would create a basis of material and emotional support from which citizens could solve other pressing personal and social problems.

Letters to the Editor
A selection of letters sent by Tricycle readers

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A Buddhist priest reflects on the occasion of the civil rights leader’s birthday.

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