To what extent do we control our actions?
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
The Wall
What remains when the mind goes?
The Practice of Receiving Feedback
Five steps for gracefully kitesurfing the winds of praise and blame
The Mind’s Projection
A Buddhist meditation teacher on how thoughts shape our reality
Licking Honey from a Razor Blade
How we can learn to work with the worldly winds of pleasure and pain
Who Is Misrepresenting Mindfulness?
Advocates of clinical mindfulness are too quick to overlook the existential questions the practice was designed to explore.
Bad Science?
Many of the studies touting meditation and mindfulness benefits are not methodologically sound.
Remembering Buddhist Psychoanalyst Jeremy Safran
A friend and colleague reflects on the New School professor’s life following his tragic passing.
Is Anything Sacred About A Classroom of Kindergartners Breathing Together?
How a program based on a carpenter’s toolbox is changing the way students learn across the country.
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