One way to give compassionately and intelligently this holiday season is to widen the net of those who receive the benefit of your generosity by donating to charities and nonprofit organizations. You can forego traditional presents and instead make a donation in your loved one’s name, or you can pledge to donate the amount of money you spend on holiday gifts this year to a worthy cause. Every Tuesday and Thursday here on Tricycle’s Buddhist Holiday Survival Guide, we’ll be posting about Buddhist organizations who could use your help this holiday season.
Our friends at The Trace Foundation are running a global giving campaign to support 30 Tibetan graduate students in the completion of their studies. Here’s what they had to say about this important mission of supporting education to foster development in Tibetan areas:
Education is the bedrock of social and economic development. A strong education system, relevant to the needs and culture of its students, not only prepares individuals for future employment, it empowers them to participate in the conversation about their future and guides development across the region. In many communities in the Tibetan areas of China, however, lack of access constrains the development not only of individuals but also of the education system at large. Distance, lack of funding, outdated facilities, and language barriers create significant challenges for students. Some scholarships do cover tuition but fall short on living expenses, which can be as high as 50 percent of all costs. Many graduate students aren’t financially independent.
Our GlobalGiving project will support the tuition and living costs for 30 PhD and master’s degree Tibetan students in a diverse range of professions. Thanks to the generosity of private donors, your tax-deductible contributions will go directly toward costs of tuition, meals, books, and living accommodations for outstanding individuals who are committed to improving the Tibetan education system and the overall quality of life in Tibetan areas. Your contributions will pave the way for transforming a generation, and this project will become a model in providing Tibetans with the means to access higher education, and for creating wealth, improving lives, and strengthening communities on the Tibetan Plateau. Give access to education. Transform a generation.
TO HELP: Visit http://www.globalgiving.
Today’s donations will be matched at 15%. If you prefer to make a donation by wire transfer or by check payable to Trace Foundation, contact them at

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