The New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care is holding an awards ceremony and silent auction this evening in New York City. Honorees include Dr. Diane Meier, Dr. Russell Portenoy, and Sharon Salzberg. Tricycle is pleased to be a media sponsor of this event. Read more about the ceremony here.
NYZCCC was founded in 2006 by Zen Buddhist priests and chaplains Koshin Paley Ellison and Robert Chodo Campbell. The center provides compassionate care to the sick and the terminally ill and creates a supportive, nurturing environment for people to consciously face their illness and/or end-of-life journey. This work is done through direct care partnerships with leading healthcare providers in the New York area, caregiver and pastoral training programs, and by actively advocating for contemplative care at the national level. Since August 2007:
- 31,386 individuals received contemplative care in the face of death, cancer, AIDS, and other illnesses
- 9,895 family members, couples and friends received contemplative care as they dealt with grief, mourning and loss
- 21,727 hours of compassionate care have been given by our volunteer chaplains
- 8,076 staff people in hospitals, hospices, and prisons received spiritual care, including doctors, nurses, social workers and officers
- 2,347 Contemplative care and meditation groups were run by our volunteer chaplains, with over 7,642 people attending.
- 4,410 men and women from the general public have received education in topics such as death and dying, Buddhist approaches to death, addictions and spirituality, and contemplative practices.
Beginning Monday May 2nd and continuing throughout the month, the Tricycle Community is pleased to host a Special Community Discussion with Robert Chodo Campbell and Koshin Paley Ellison. Tricycle will honor the work of this groundbreaking Buddhist institution by offering Tricycle Community members the opportunity to make a $5 donation to the center via the Tricycle Karuna Fund. All contributions to the Fund made during the month of May will be donated directly to the Zen Center for Contemplative Care. Beginning Monday, learn more here.

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