We just receiving word on some inspiring activities in Los Angeles from an old friend of Tricycle:

The Buddhist Temple of San Diego (Nishi Honganji) just did a big public memorial service on March 13, it was reported on by the local media.  The Buddhist Churches of America are collecting donations, they’re at http://www.bcahq.org

Here’s the info I wanted to bring to your attention:

The Great Tohoku Earthquake Disaster: A Memorial Ceremony for the Deceased and a Prayer for a Quick Recovery from the Disaster
Sunday, March 20, 10:30 am
Zenshuji Soto Mission, 123 South Hewitt Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, (213) 624-8658

From: Rev. Daigaku Rumme,  Director
Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office
123 South Hewitt Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

As you already know, a massive earthquake has hit the Tohoku district of northeastern Japan. That earthquake generated large tsunami which has caused untold damage to many towns in the area. The situation is tragic. According to news reports, thousands have lost their lives and the number is still increasing. A number of Sotoshu temples in the area were also destroyed.

There has been an outpouring of grief and sympathy for those who are suffering there. Many people have contacted us at the Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office asking how they can contribute money for disaster relief to help in the recovery.

We will collect relief funds at our office and take them to Japan. If you and your temple or center wish to help with this, please send or bring a check to our office payable to “Association of Soto Zen Buddhists” by April 10th, 2011. Please write on the check that it is specifically for “Japan Earthquake Relief.”

We will accept founds at the Memorial Ceremony for the Deceased and a Prayer for a Quick Recovery from the Disaster on the 20th also.


Memorial Service for victims of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Sunday, March 20, 1:30 pm

Koyasan Buddhist Temple, 342 East First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, (213) 624-1267

Koyasan Buddhist Temple will observe the memorial service for victims of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Sunday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m. along with Spring Higan Service.

20 Koyasan High School Students will arrive from Wakayama Prefecture on Saturday. They will join the Sunday service. The relief money donated to Koyasan Buddhist Temple will be sent to the headquarters in Japan and will be distributed from there to victims and support organizations.

The check will be payable to:

Koyasan Buddhist Temple
342 East First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 624-1267

March 27 (Sunday) 10:00AM Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple at Little Tokyo

A Memorial Service in memory of the Tohoku Region Earthquake/Tsunami
combined with the Spring Ohigan Service
Sunday, March 27, 10:00 am

Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple, 505 East Third Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013,

(213) 626-4200 http://hhbt-la.org

The Relief Fund of Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple is being coordinated with the North America District Donations received by the end of April will be presented to the Headquarter Temple in Kyoto at the 11th World Dobo Convention.

Those received later will be sent to the headquarters to be included with the nationwide
(Japan) Higashi Honganji Relief Fund. Checks may be payable to “Higashi Honganji”


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