MeditationMagazine | Dharma Talk
Dharma Talk
The way to live with joy in a painful world is not by shutting down or closing off—just the opposite. A Tibetan teacher shows you how.
Reclaiming Our Agency
The Buddha’s mindfulness was not a passive exercise but a practice of conscious decision making. The choices he suggested lead to lasting happiness.
Finding Our Essence of Mind
When we stop holding on to our thoughts, we observe each experience just as it is, freeing ourselves to address only what's necessary.
Expressing the Inexpressible
In search of true words
On Hardship & Hope
Two teachings to instill inspiration when we feel paralyzed by despair
Be Still & Know
A Zen reading of a biblical saying
MeditationMagazine | Dharma Talk
How to Be Faultless
To hope to have no faults is to realize that you do have faults, and that in itself is to be faultless.
TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk
Doing, Being, and the Great In-Between
Can putting an end to the endless pursuit of becoming someone imbue our lives with meaning?
On Dignity
What is “self-worth” in a system that denies the permanence of any self?
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