Podcast Series
Uncoverage: Growing Up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult, Una Morera
In this spiritual true crime podcast, host Una Morera shares a story we need to hear in the wake of the sexual abuse accounts revealed in the Shambhala community in recent years. Morera recounts growing up in a world that revolved around Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. It is a moving, creative, and brave account told first through the lens of a little girl and then through that of a young woman disoriented by the disconnect between the teachings and actions of Trungpa and his inner circle.
Guided Meditation
“White Tara Healing Practice: Inviting the Elements,” Michael Lobsang Tenpa
White Tara is one of the 21 iterations of the enlightened goddess who serves as a guide for Vajrayana Buddhists (and all beings). In this guided meditation, Michael Lobsang Tenpa provides a vivid visualization to help you invite White Tara with her qualities that can provide comfort, healing, and protection along the spiritual path. This 30-minute meditation allows enough space to relax the body, invoke White Tara, and balance the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.
“Intuitive Mind and Grasping Mind,” Tuere Sala
Are we guiding our practice, or is our practice guiding us? Tuere Sala, a former prosecutor who is now the guiding teacher of Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Capitol Hill Meditation Group, gives a masterful talk on differentiating between the grasping mind, which aims to control, and the intuitive and embodied mind, which is still, curious, and trusting. Are you suffering with the never-ending chatter of the grasping mind? Here you can get better acquainted with your intuitive mind through a practice that is definitely not limited to sitting on your cushion.
What the Buddha Never Taught: A Rock Opera, music and lyrics by Martin T. Adam and Marc Atkinson
Rock operas have celebrated Joan of Arc, Martin Luther, and, of course, Jesus Christ Superstar. What the Buddha Never Taught adds a new Buddhist tale to the genre with an adaptation of the 1990 book by Tim Ward about his time in a Thai Forest monastery. The show opens June 30 in Vancouver (and online), but you don’t have to wait. A full-length album is already out, featuring such tracks as “Thus I Have Heard” and “Five Simple Rules” (on emptiness and the precepts).
whatthebuddhanevertaught musical.com/

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