TeachingsMagazine | In Brief, Teachings
Sanskrit nirvana, Pali nibbana
A brief teaching from a writer and translator
TeachingsMagazine | In Brief, Teachings
A Wave in the Water
A brief teaching from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
The Spiritual Work of a Worldly Life
Buddhist teachings offer more than an escape from the samsaric world.
TeachingsMagazine | Teachings, What's in a Word?
What’s in a Word? Samsara
Our expert explains the etymology of samsara.
TeachingsMagazine | Teachings, What's in a Word?
What’s in a Word? Nirvana
Our expert explains the etymology of nirvana.
Ghosts, Gods, and the Denizens of Hell
Of Buddhism's six alternately wretched and blissful realms, only ours offers a shot at complete liberation.
Teachings 10 Misconceptions about Buddhism
One Way to Nirvana
It’s not just the Buddha Way that’s different—the Buddhist mountaintop is different, too.
TeachingsMagazine | Brief Teachings
Tea and Rice
13th-century zen master Dogen on the enlightenment of ordinary activity.
TeachingsMagazine | Thus Have I Heard
A Modest Awakening
Ordinary nirvana
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