In a recent episode of Tricycle Talks, scholar Roger Jackson discusses his new book, Rebirth: A Guide to Mind, Karma, and Cosmos in the Buddhist World, and how we can meaningfully engage with the concept of…
A Case for ‘As-If Agnosticism’ as an Approach to Rebirth
In his new book, Roger Jackson details the prevailing perspectives on rebirth, including one for those who find the traditional rational, empirical, or faith-based arguments problematic but do not reject the idea outright.
Why the Doctrine of No-Self Is Not Nihilistic
Professor Roger Jackson explains how Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna reconciles the concepts of no-self and reincarnation
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
Cycles of Motherhood
A practitioner reflects on her mother’s uniquely challenging qualities following a trip to the emergency room.
TeachingsMagazine | Teachings, What's in a Word?
What’s in a Word? Samsara
Our expert explains the etymology of samsara.
Brief Teachings
Select wisdom from sources old and new
Teachings 10 Misconceptions about Buddhism
Was Buddha God or Human?
While Buddhism has a place for gods, the Buddha wasn’t exactly one of them.
I Take Refuge in the Humor
Brent R. Oliver finds his reliance on comedy has become rusted armor holding him back.
After the Future
Rediscovering the meaning of rebirth
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