“Dana (“giving”) is the most fundamental of all Buddhist practices. It is the first topic in the Buddha’s graduated talks, the first step on the bodhisattva’s path to perfection, and the first of the ten paramitas  (perfections) in the Mahayana tradition. It therefore sets the tone for all that follows in the spiritual journey.”

-Andrew Olendzki, “Dana”

Tricycle‘s Spring 2011 issue contains our fifth installment of “Good Work,” a section of the magazine dedicated to charities and not-for-profits that inspire us.

The groups listed in this issue are:
Spinal Injury Sangha Nepal

Save Zanskar
Mindful Schools

The Winter 2010 installment:
Steps To-Marrow
Tibetan Women’s Association
The Meditation Initiative

The Fall 2010 installment:
Help Animals India
The Lineage Project
Buddha Badges
Special Focus: The Gulf of Mexico:
Save Our Gulf
Boat People S.O.S.
Gulf Coast Fund
Gulf Restoration Network
Alabama Coastal Foundation
Coalition to restore Coastal Louisiana
Emerald Coastkeeper

The Summer 2010 installment:
Buddha Jyoti Himalayan Youth Club Nepal
Tzu Chi Foundation
Nonviolent Peaceforce
Karuna Center for Peacebuilding

The Spring 2010 installment:
Foundation for the People of Burma
Buddhist Global Relief
Himalayan Art Resources (*no donations. The best way to support HAR is simply to learn about incredible art)
Lotus Outreach
Piyara Kutta

To recommend a group for the next installment of “Good Work,” please email info@tricycle.com!




Thank you for subscribing to Tricycle! As a nonprofit, to keep Buddhist teachings and practices widely available.