James Shaheen
James Shaheen is Tricycle’s editor-in-chief.

How Buddhist teachings can help disrupt our addiction to the self

Navigating Conflict in Relationships
How mindfulness and patience can help us to transform our anger and cultivate healthier connections

Losing Ourselves
What does it mean to be a person without a self?

Into a Haunted World
Sri Lankan author Vajra Chandrasekera on the Buddhist mythos behind his new book, Rakesfall

Magazine | Letter from the Editor, The Conversation
Meeting the Moment
A letter from Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Openings, Podcasts
An excerpt of a conversation between George Mumford, Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen, and meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg

Poet of Blissful Awareness
Getting to know the 10th-century poet-yogin Saraha

Personal Reflections Tricycle Talks
Becoming Aflame
Essayist Pico Iyer discusses how sitting in stillness can train us to care for one another in a world on fire.

Pure Activity
How letting go of perfectionism can help us get out of our own way—and can free us up to show up in the world

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