
As the dharma is made relatable to modern Western culture, do Buddhism's foundational texts risk becoming obsolete?

MeditationMagazine | Interview
Travel Guide to the End of Life
An interview with Sallie Tisdale, death and dying educator

AI, Karma & Our Robot Future
Two artificial intelligence scientists discuss what's to come.

What Went Wrong
An interview with Tibetan psychologist Lobsang Rapgay about student-teacher relationships that turn abusive

Understand, Realize, Give Up, Develop
Three contemporary Buddhist teachers discuss their take on what's traditionally known as "the four noble truths": why they believe the term has been mistranslated and the concepts behind it misunderstood.

Bhutan on the Brink
An interview with Dr. Karma Phuntsho, the first Bhutanese to earn a doctorate at Oxford who now works to promote social entrepreneurship among the nation’s youth.

The Best Remedy
The Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita's last advice for attaining peace in our inner and outer worlds

A Lama in Hungary
Douglas Penick interviews Lama Chopel.

The Grace in This World
An interview with Venerable Chwasan, former head dharma master of the Won Buddhist Order

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