CultureMagazine | Books, Reviews
Linda Heuman
Linda Heuman is a Tricycle contributing editor and freelance journalist based in Providence, Rhode Island.
Advice on contemplative mysticism from the life of Tenzin Priyadarshi
IdeasMagazine | Books, Reviews
Awakening from Climate Slumber
Can Buddhist theology help save us from climate disaster? The Dalai Lama thinks so.
Who’s Got Good News?
Enlightenment Now, the latest title from Harvard psychologist and author Steven Pinker, posits that happiness depends on external circumstances.
A New Way Forward
Buddhist tradition and modernity are in many ways incompatible. But one Western intellectual tradition may hold a key to bringing the two into meaningful dialogue.
A More Human Science
An interview with Amadeo Giorgi
Don’t Believe the Hype
Neuroscientist Catherine Kerr is concerned about how mindfulness meditation research is being portrayed in the media.
The Embodied Mind
An interview with philosopher Evan Thompson
Under One Umbrella
Can tradition and science both fit? An interview with Thupten Jinpa Langri
Meditation Nation
How convincing is the science driving the popularity of mindfulness meditation? A Brown University researcher has some surprising answers.
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