Akincano M. Weber
Akincano M. Weber is a Swiss Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist. A former monk, he has lived and practiced for 20 years in European and Thai Forest monasteries. www.akincano.net

How the Buddhist concept of appamada permeates all other levels of the eightfold path

Meditation Meditation Month 2023
What Mindfulness Is Not
As interest in mindfulness booms, four Buddhist teachers discuss the history and meaning of the term and how it can get distorted in the popular imagination.

Stepping Out of Situational Patterning
In the online course “Dependent Arising,” four teachers from Bodhi College discuss choice and the wholesome patterns that allow us to respond, not react.

Understand, Realize, Give Up, Develop
Three contemporary Buddhist teachers discuss their take on what's traditionally known as "the four noble truths": why they believe the term has been mistranslated and the concepts behind it misunderstood.

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