This Life
Profession: studentAge: 32Location: Dharamsala, India Where are you from? New York, but I grew up in Panama. How did you get into Buddhism? When I was in college in Kentucky I met some Tibetan exchange students.…
Take Note
The members of the Nyingma Monlam Chenmo International, representing more than 300 Nyingma monasteries in Tibet, India, and Bhutan, unanimously nominated E. Gene Smith to receive a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to the preservation…
Good Work
When Cyclone Nargis hit Burma in May 2008, it took the lives of nearly 150,000 people and left at least a million homeless. While relief organizations waited at the country’s borders to deliver aid, the Foundation…
This past December, dressed in down coats and lined boots, representatives from over 190 countries met on the darkest and coldest days of the year in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss, of all things, legislation to prevent…
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | This Life
Animal Realm
The first pet I ever had of my own was a fledgling mockingbird I named Brighty. I found him while I was staying at my grandmother’s in Texas one spring. I rescued him from the dive…
This Buddhist Life: George Mumford
George Mumford sports-psychology consultant for the Boston College men’s basketball team and LA Lakers meditation coachAge: 59 Location: Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts How did you get into dharma?I got into the practice via stressreduction, which was…
Searching for My Old Teacher Still looking for you in the high reeds near El Salto small pond in a dry country You told me I would be safe no matter where I went or what…
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | This Life
Dear Abbey Dharma Spring 2010
Dear Abbey Dharma,I’m concerned that my mindfulness practice is making me indifferent. I still feel genuinely connected when I sit at the bedside of a dying person or with a person who comes to see me…
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