“220509 Your Full Attention,” Short Dhamma Talks by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
If your cup (or mind) runneth over, then this very short dhamma talk from Thanissaro Bhikkhu, an American monk in the Thai Forest tradition and abbot of California’s Metta Forest Monastery, is for you. Than Geoff, as he’s known to his students, explains that by training ourselves to be good observers, we learn to look at our own suffering and become our own teachers—because who knows our suffering better than we do?
“How to Structure Your Meditation Practice,” Buddhist Wisdom, Modern Life
From sending lovingkindness to the poor souls stuck idling in rush hour traffic to using the Pomodoro Technique to keep your meditation on track throughout the day, this podcast episode has all kinds of gems to inspire a structured home practice. Claire Villarreal, a meditation teacher who holds a PhD in Tibetan Buddhism, talks about short- and long-term practice goals, considers when to stick to your planned meditation and when to follow what comes up, and also has resources to help track your progress.
“Episode 025: Diaspora Mixtape Vol. 1,” Self Evident: Asian America’s Stories
Self Evident is a podcast dedicated to telling Asian American stories, which you should definitely listen to. We’re recommending their Diaspora Dance Mixtape Vol. 1, awesome music from Asian diaspora communities from Southwest Asia/North Africa, Hawaii, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, interspersed with reflections on how music can connect us across space, time, and borders. Play this at your Labor Day party, your Saturday night dance party of one, or anytime you need a pick-me-up.
Ghost Church by Jamie Loftus
Ghost Church, a series of investigative reports by writer, podcaster, stand-up comedian, and actor Jamie Loftus, offers a fascinating look at American spiritualism in its modern-day form as a religion based on communicating with the departed. Spiritualism had a big moment around the turn of the twentieth century, attracting crowds to public séances. Loftus takes us inside Cassadaga, a Spiritualist community outside Orlando, Florida, and explores the reasons why people continue to seek out the dead and how Eastern concepts like reincarnation have shaped the religion.

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