Mindfulness coach George Mumford reflects on the importance of beginner’s mind in the process of recovery—and his practice of learning to pray for the people who annoy him.
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
Not Empty, Not Full
A food addict finds freedom in constraint.
Personal Reflections Meditation
How Meditation Helped Me to Stop Drinking
A queer underground artist on how tantric wisdom inspired them to embrace sobriety
Facing Transphobia on the Path to Recovery
A trans Zen practitioner on the need for more gender inclusivity in the world of Buddhist recovery
‘Practicing to Save My Head from Fire’
Dharma teacher Laura Burges on how Zen practice, together with the principles of recovery, can support a sustainable path to sobriety
Turning Word
Melina Bondy, a meditation teacher and former monastic in the Plum Village Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, talks about a Buddhist book that made a significant impact on their practice.
The Wisdom of Trauma
In The Wisdom of Trauma, Dr. Gabor Maté explores how true healing becomes possible once we learn to embrace our deepest wounds.
Sweets and Suffering
A Won Buddhist teacher on how we consume suffering and how suffering consumes us
CultureMagazine | Give & Take, Openings
Give & Take with Musician Sonny Rollins
Lessons for living from one of jazz's all-time greats
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