Do you feel like asking a cat a question? I mean one that will actually be answered. Well, there’s a cool cat who’ll do just that discovered by The Buddha is My DJ. On another note, do lions and tigers, and big cats generally, have whiskers? A nice little article about the Northern Kentucky Zen Center (the center’s own website is here.) It’s an affiliate of the Cincinnati Zen Center, itself a part of the Furnace Mountain Sangha, headed by Zen Master Dae Gak, who himself spent some years in Kentucky. Late news, but the Soho Zen Buddhist Society sadly announced the passing of Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi. He passed away on December 29, 2007 at 10:55 A.M. Some readers will remember Roshi, the dharma heir to Soen Nakagawa Roshi, from his memorable depiction in Lawrence Shainberg’s Ambivalent Zen.

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