
I bow down to all holy Gurus.

I am the man called Milarepa,

For possessions I have no desire.
Since I never strive to make money,
First I do not suffer

Because of making it;

Then I do not suffer

Because of keeping it;

In the end, I do not suffer

Because of hoarding it.

Better far and happier is it

Not to have possessions.

Without attachment to kinsmen and companions,
I do not seek affection in companionship.

First I do not suffer

Because of heart-clinging;
Then I do not suffer

From any quarreling;

In the end I do not suffer

Because of separation.

It is far better to have no affectionate companions.

Since I have no pride and egotism,
I do not look for fame and glory.
First I do not suffer

Because of seeking them;
Then I do not suffer

In trying to preserve them;

In the end I do not suffer

For fear of losing them.

It is far better to have no fame nor glory.

Since I have no desire for any place,
I crave not to be here, or there.
First I do not worry

About my home’s protection;
Then I do not suffer

From a fervent passion for it;

In the end I am not anxious to defend it.
It is far better to have no home nor land.

From The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, edited and translated by Garma C. C. Chang, by arrangement with Carol Publishing Group.

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