
What parenting and practice can teach us about the perils and promise of a good time

The Inside Problem of Work-Family Conflict
External challenges to working parenthood warrant attention, but the internal conflict requires a different approach, starting with acceptance, rather than resistance.

What the Buddha Taught His Son
The Buddha’s teachings to his son Rahula can offer guidance on imparting spiritual wisdom to children.

A Meditation for Mother’s Day
The most generous thing we have to offer others is our true presence, and first we must be present with ourselves.

Be Kind to Your Inner Parent
Skills for how to relate to the inevitable suffering and universal emotional pain of parenthood.

Meditation Meditation Month 2021
Meditation Tips for Caregivers During Lockdown (And How Others Are Staying Mindful)
With kids at home, we’ve had precious little time—let alone time to meditate. Here are some ways to find room to practice.

Strange Situation
Two mothers discuss Buddhist practice and attachment.

Mindful Parenting: Nurturing an Intentional, Compassionate Family
To raise mindful, compassionate children, parents must first establish a strong foundation in their own practice to serve as a model. Sumi Loundon Kim, a Buddhist chaplain and author of the Sitting Together parenting curriculum, provides…

Goodnight Metta: A Bedtime Meditation for Kids
How to incorporate a lovingkindness practice into your children’s evening routine.

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