
The Buddhist Review
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IdeasMagazine | Feature

The Lotus

Throughout early history, in Asia and much of the ancient Near East, the lotus was associated with the sacred. The ancient Persians viewed the open lotus flower as a symbol of the sun, the giver of…

[Allan, Baillie] and [Suzanne, Ostro] Allan Baillie

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IdeasMagazine | In the News

In the News Spring 1999

Power Plays in Korea For months, images became increasingly bizarre. Shaven-headed monks in yellow construction helmets. Opposing monks in gray robes and combat boots. Barricades, firebombs, burning furniture, bodyguards, bulldozers, praying mothers, a melee. At issue:…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Reviews

Chat with Eric Stoltz

Known for his work in Mask, Pulp Fiction, and Little Women, Eric Stoltz talks about playing a Buddhist doctor on “Chicago Hope.” Tell us about your current role on “Chicago Hope.” I play Dr. Robert Yeats,…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Letters

Letters to the Editor Spring 1999

To the Letter I subscribed to Tricycle because I felt an affinity with a magazine dedicated to a system of thought that appears to transcend dogmatic conflict. However, after reading the Letters section for several months…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Editors View

This is Where We Find Ourselves

William Sloane Coffin, the Yale University chaplain who famously opposed the Vietnam War, had himself been an undergraduate at Yale, and a classmate of George Bush’s. Long after both men had defined their positions, Coffin’s observation…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Parting Words

The Cloud of God

It’s just a little Shinto shrine: a strong woman could pick it up and carry it away. It sits in a niche in a wall on a nondescript corner of an alley in Kyoto that I pass…

By Robert Brady
