Wes Nisker
Wes Nisker is the author of two bestselling books, Buddha's Nature (Bantam), and Crazy Wisdom (Ten Speed Press), and the founder and co-editor of the Buddhist journal Inquiring Mind.

In tribute to the curiosity of Alan Senauke (1947–2024)

Meditation Meditation Instructions
Thinking About Thinking
Three exercises for investigating the nature of your mind and working with thoughts

The Baby Bull, a Buddhist
An interview with the late baseball Hall of Famer, Orlando Cepeda

MeditationMagazine | Practice, Teachings
Making Friends with Death
A meditation for new beginnings

Meditation Meditation Instructions
The Bare Bones of Your Being
Try a “skeletal scan” meditation to help cultivate a new awareness of your body.

Suffering Is Not Enough: An Early Interview with Thich Nhat Hanh
The wisdom in a 1985 interview with the Vietnamese Zen master rings as true today as it did then.

‘My Consciousness Can Now Prepare for Death’
In this interview from 2000, Ram Dass discusses entering the final chapter of his life and how his sudden illness was a "stroke of luck."

My Teacher, The Tree
Thai Buddhist monk Ajahn Pasanno and environmental activist Julia Butterfly Hill discuss what nature can teach us about love in an interview with Inquiring Mind.
Give and Take with Wes Nisker
Contributing editor Andrew Cooper chats with Vipassana teacher, comedian, and author Wes Nisker on the topic “Jewish and Buddhist.”

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