Dharma Talks

Video teachings with contemporary Buddhist teachers

2012 Archive

Transforming Self, Transforming Earth: A Buddhist Ecology

David Loy

In this retreat, David Loy guides us through the basic Buddhist teachings of personal and collective dukkha, connecting them to new scientific knowledge about the biosphere. He paints a fresh portrait of understanding the eco-crisis as a collective spiritual malady while outlining paths to healing.

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Right Speech, Right Communication


In this retreat, Vishvapani shows us how to engage in Right Speech by asking ourselves before we speak: Is it truthful? Is it effective? Is it beneficial? Is it kind? Speech, Vishvapani tells us, is a central part of being human—it’s what connects us to the people we surround ourselves with. When practiced wisely, Right Speech can have powerful and transforming effects and allow us to express true wisdom and compassion.

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How a Buddhist Can Prepare for Death

Caroline Yongue

In this retreat, Caroline Yongue eases us into the opportunity to consider our own deaths with clarity, lovingkindness, compassion, and tenderness. With both dharmic instruction and practical tools for dealing with death, Yongue shows us how to move beyond fear, apprehension, and denial.

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What is Mindfulness?

Shinzen Young

This retreat involves both talks and practice. In the talks Shinzen will elucidate how mindfulness is defined from numerous points of view. He will also discuss factors that could facilitate or inhibit a global mindfulness revolution. The practice sessions will parallel the talks but from an experiential point of view. You’ll be guided in Breath Focus from an advanced perspective, exploring how this practice develops four aspects of mindful awareness: concentration power, sensory clarity, equanimity, and insight.

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Josh Korda on Making Friends with Your Demons

Josh Korda

This retreat will explore the use of Buddhist practices, especially mindfulness and meditation, to help people recover from habitually ingrained addictive behaviors. Tools-such as appropriate attention, acceptance, removing obsessive thoughts, cultivation of kindness, generosity, and gratitude-can help break the cycle of addiction. Each week, Korda will introduce a different meditation techniques to help reduce stress and make recovery more tranquil and joyous.

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The Art of Awareness

Anam Thubten

Awareness or smirti is the heart of Buddhist practice and the teachings of Buddha. Yet it doesn’t belong to Buddhism. Awareness is intrinsic to each of us. It is a state of being conscious and rising above our mental habits that keep us bound to internal limitations. Through awareness we can see the true nature of all things and find unfathomable joy beyond conditions.

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The Four Protective Meditations

Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

From the wide range of meditation subjects found in the Buddha’s discourses, the ancient teachers of the Theravada tradition have selected four subjects and grouped them into a set known as “the four protective meditations”: recollection of the Buddha, the meditation on loving-kindness, contemplating the unattractive nature of the body, and mindfulness of death. The four are called “protective meditations” because each offers protection from a particular unwholesome tendency and reinforces a beneficial quality essential to the path.

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Social Awakening: Realizing the Basic Goodness of Society

Fleet Maull

In this online meditation retreat, we will explore a contemplative path to social enlightenment or collective awakening, which calls us to transcend individualism and work together to create a more peaceful and sustainable society grounded in the realization of the innate goodness of all beings as well as the basic goodness of human society itself.

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The Whole of Life as Practice

Sylvia Boorstein

Slivia Boorstein Dharma Talk

This retreat is for people who want to bring Buddhist practice into everyday life. By taking a closer look at the teachings of the Metta Sutta, the Buddha’s sermon on impartial kindness, we will find an overview of the entire practice path. Sylvia Boorstein shows us how all of our life experience—our relational life in the world as well as our spiritual life—is the perfect venue for practice.

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Aging as a Spiritual Practice: How to Grow Older and Wiser

Lewis Richmond

This retreat is intended for people looking for ways to navigate aging’s various challenges and rewards. The older we get the more we come to experience the inevitable Buddhist truth of change, and for many of us this can be a difficult process. Regardless of whether you are enjoying growing old, hating it, or in denial, Richmond offers us all an inner road map for aging.

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Aging as a Spiritual Practice: How to Grow Older and Wiser

Lewis Richmond

This retreat is intended for people looking for ways to navigate aging’s various challenges and rewards. The older we get the more we come to experience the inevitable Buddhist truth of change, and for many of us this can be a difficult process. Regardless of whether you are enjoying growing old, hating it, or in denial, Richmond offers us all an inner road map for aging.

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Meditation in Motion

Jill Satterfield

Jill Satterfield will lead us on an exploration of meditation using the four postures: sitting, standing, walking, and lying down, as well as some restorative yoga poses. She will teach us to stay aware of our breath (sometimes breathing meditation can be a bit boring, Jill says, so part of her training will be to keep us interested in the breath.) Ultimately we will be able to meditate no matter where we are and what we are doing.

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The Precepts as Practice

Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede

In this retreat, Roshi Kjolhede will guide us through the Three Refuges, the Three General Resolutions, and the Ten Cardinal Precepts, which together comprise the Precepts as commonly understood in Zen Buddhism. The retreat begins January 2nd, 2012.

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