Dharma Talks

Video teachings with contemporary Buddhist teachers

2016 Archive

Freeing the Mind When the Body Hurts

Vidyamala Burch

The human body is fragile; in our lives, pain and illness are inevitable. This month, join mindfulness teacher Vidyamala Burch who has lived with severe chronic spinal pain for 40 years following injuries resulting in partial paraplegia in her teens. Drawing on central Buddhist texts, Vidyamala will uncover the key to the Buddha’s mental freedom and provide pointers for living with ease.

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The Emptiness of Selfie Existence

Christopher Titmuss

The self has a lot of clout in contemporary culture. From self-help to selfies, it can be easy to forget that the self is a mutable condition: an unsteady and malleable phenomenon that arises from a set of causes. In this series with former Theravadin monk Christopher Titmuss, he unpacks the Buddhist doctrine of non-self to show how our tendency to attach to our ego’s patterns leads to problems.

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The Power of Connection: Cultivating a Generous Heart

Vinny Ferraro

Who among us has not felt the weight of loneliness? Out of thousands of skillful methods the Buddha taught, the brahmaviharas, or “sublime attitudes,” may be the most direct antidote to feelings of isolation and separation. In this series, Vinny Ferraro, an ex-convict and senior teacher at Against the Stream, will explore the first two of the brahmaviharas, lovingkindness and compassion, the cultivation of which increases our capacity to meet a range of conditions with a generous heart. In addition to providing tools to allay loneliness, Ferraro will pay special attention to the process of meeting our shortcomings with care.

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Unraveling Our Emotions

Ven. Robina Courtin

Ven. Robina Courtin Dharma Talk

How can we begin to unpack and unravel the workings of our own mind, so that we can find a reliable happiness that is not dependent on external conditions? Ven. Robina Courtin, a Tibetan Buddhist nun since the late 1970s, will use the Buddha’s unique psychological skills to help us loosen our instinctive clinging to a limited sense of self, which lies at the heart of our suffering.

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Compassion, Love, and Healing in Times of War

Lama Rod Owens

Lama Rod Owens - Dharma Talks

In this series of talks, Tibetan Buddhist teacher Lama Rod Owens draws on the Buddhist teachings to help us enact an ethic of healing, especially as activists or allies of such movements as Black Lives Matter or gay marriage, so that we can live boldly instead of lashing out or shutting down.

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The Four Nutriments

Thich Phap Hai

Thich Phap Hai Dharma Talk

The Buddha said that “all things exist on food.” We may pay attention to what we’re taking into our bodies physically—but do we pay attention to what we’re taking in mentally? Brother Phap Hai, a senior monastic disciple of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh, explores the Buddha’s teachings on the four nourishments of life: edible foods, sense impressions, volition, and consciousness.

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Meditation Illuminated: Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science

John Yates (Culadasa), Matthew Immergut, PhD

Meditation is sometimes described as the process of getting to know your own mind. But during this familiarization, how do you know whether you’re making progress? In this online retreat, Culadasa (John Yates, Ph.D.), a teacher with over four decades of experience in the Tibetan and Theravada Buddhist traditions, offers a set of instructions for honing the mind that has helped many dharma students cultivate their meditation practice.

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The Heart Sutra: The Foundation of Understanding

Rev. Dosung Yoo

Dharma Talk by Dosung Yoo

In this online retreat, Reverend Dosung Yoo, a minister in the Korean Won Buddhist tradition and a prominent translator of Korean Buddhist teachings, will lead you through a close reading of the Heart Sutra, providing a contemporary and practical guide to understanding this important text.

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Living Mindfully

Deborah David

Author and meditation instructor Deborah David delivers practical advice for those seeking to develop a personal mindfulness practice. She will provide crucial tips for beginning and sustaining a practice in your own home and show you how to bring it out into the wider world.

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