
The Buddhist Review
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Magazine | Feature

The Science of Compassion

I exit the subway to my quiet Brooklyn neighborhood and there he is again, wearing a ragged T-shirt, torn jeans, and dirty sneakers, sweeping the subway steps with an old broom. He looks at me pleadingly. Feeling…

By Jeffery Zaleski

Magazine | Feature

A Life Outside of Time

Five years go, I traveled to Kyoto to learn about stillness and focus in the Zen temples whose pictures I had long admired. What I quickly learned was that Zen required much more commitment and rigor than…

By Pico Iyer

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Magazine | Reviews

Books in Brief

Some people in Western culture remember that holiday gift-giving is meant to be a joyful commemoration of great sacred events. In this all but forgotten spirit, here are a few books by the Dalai Lama of…

By Tracy Cochran

Magazine | In the News

In the News Winter 1992

IN MEMORIAM On October 19, environmentalist, feminist, and Tibet activist Petra Kelly who was best known as the founder of the Green Party in Germany, was discovered dead along with her longtime companion Gert Bastion in…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Editors View

Tender Mercies

Buddhism emphasizes that death has only one intrinsic quality: not deliverance or joy, sadness or salvation—but certainty. In a universe of variables, it remains the only reliable beacon. To contemplate death, then, and allow this one certainty…

By Helen Tworkov


Magazine |

Buddhist Journal Beat

TURNING WHEEL The Journal of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship has undergone a name and format change. Now known as Turning Wheel, this well-designed magazine edited by Susan Moon does an excellent job exploring the twofold purpose…

By Tricycle