The Buddhist Review
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In This Issue
Special Sections
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
A Diamond-Cutter Like No Other
The Many Facets of Michael Roach
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
A Resource Roundup for the Cybersangha
“There’s nothing lonelier than a Buddhist in Alabama” is the kind of comment I hear from many Buddhists who live in outlying regions of North America where their sangha is small or nonexistent and information about…
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
3-D Dharma
The First Computer Mandala
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
Comparative Illusions
Jaron Lanier on the Potential of Virtual Reality
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
Mitchell Kapor
On Dharma, Democracy, and the Information Superhighway
IdeasMagazine | Special Section
Digital Dharma
A Special Section
A Thai Forest Tradition Grows in England
Stephen Batchelor on the American-born Ajahn Sumedho and the Chithurst Monks
Liberating Sexuality
Miranda Shaw on women’s transformative role in tantric Buddhism
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
Hard Travel to Sacred Places: Burma
This is the second of two excerpts adapted from a book of the same name, to be published in the fall by Shambhala Publications. The book takes the form of a journal written while the author…
Vinaya Vignettes
Or, Why the Buddha Had to Make Some Rules
Ox-Herding Pictures
Why Has Bodhidharma Left for the East? a film by Bae Yang-Kyun
Flying Softly Through The Night
A Profile of Philip Whalen
In the News Summer 1994
In the High—and Hot—Seat In April, the Dalai Lama’s U.S. tour included two symposia on science and religion, one at Stanford University in California, the other at Columbia University in New York City. In Ann Arbor,…
CultureMagazine | Shakyamuni Buddha: A Life Retold
Wake Up: Episode Five
The fifth excerpt in a series of eight from Jack Kerouac's Wake Up: A Life of the Buddha
A Successful Encounter
A Magazine That Bridged World Views
What Color is Your Mind? A book by Thubten Chodron
Thubten Chodron Snow Lion Publications: Ithaca, New York, 1993. 189 pp., $12.95 (paper) Designed to clarify points of practice rather than to be a comprehensive introduction to Buddhism, What Color is Your Mind? is largely…
Manifestation of the Tathagata
Buddhahood According to the Avatamsaka Sutra
For a Future to Be Possible
Commentaries on the Five Wonderful Precepts
Mystical Verses of a Mad Dalai Lama
Glenn H. MullinQuest Books/Theosophical Publishing House: Wheaton, Illinois, 1994.265 pp., $14.00 (paper). Geared to the nonspecialist, Mystical Verses of a Mad Dalai Lama offers a fine introduction to Tibetan Buddhism and the institution of the Dalai…
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Liberation Through Understanding in the Between
The Buddhist Priest Myoe
A Life of Dreams
Journey in Search of the Way
The Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myodo
Stones of the Dalai Lama
Ken MitchellSoho Press: New York, 1993.328 pp., $22.00 (cloth). In this North American road novel, an introspective “perfessor” and his lubricious sidekick take off into the Wild Blue Yonder—except that the Official Road Novel Vehicle, a…
Seeds in the Heart
Japanese Literature from Earliest Times to the Late Sixteenth Century
Letters to the Editor Summer 1994
Occidentals on Orientalism I respect and applaud Professor Lopez’s exposure of Western Tibetist myths (“New Age Orientalism: The Case of Tibet,” Vol. III, No. 3). To criticize his article for imbalance when it was clearly intended…
Net Worth
One story retold from the life of the Buddha concerns a mother who loses her child. Distraught, the woman wanders aimlessly, clutching her dead infant to her breast. When she hears that the great sage Shakyamuni…
Buddha and the Bulls
An Interview with Phil Jackson
MeditationMagazine | What Does Being A Buddhist Mean To You
What Does Being a Buddhist Mean To You? Summer 1994
Re: Right Speech and Gossip
TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk
The Bodhisattva Vow: Eight Views
Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama “What do we mean by bodhisattva? Bodhi means enlightenment, the state devoid of all defects and endowed with all good qualities. Sattva refers to someone who has courage and confidence…