
The Buddhist Review
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Special Sections

IdeasMagazine | Special Section

Nondual Ecology

RECOGNIZING the inherent Buddha-nature of rocks and clouds is not that hard—many acknowledge this in principle. Liberal thinkers admit most animals and plants and even microbes to the select company of sentient beings. Rocks and clouds…

By John McClellan


Magazine | Feature

Liberation Through Hearing

“If one hears it, one is liberated simply by not disbelieving. . . .” —The Tibetan Book of the Dead Each day we broadcast to Tibet. This past spring the Tibetan Information Network said, “A major…

By John Buescher

Magazine | Feature

Face-to-face with Natalie Goldberg

Natalie Goldberg is a writer and writing teacher living in Taos, New Mexico. Her books include the best-sellingWriting Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (Shambhala Publications) and its sequel, Wild Mind: Living the Writer’s Life…

By Tricycle

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Magazine | Letters

Letters to the Editor – Winter 1993

No Right, No Wrong (Con’t.) I object to Pema Chodron’s (Vol. III, No.1) calling the suggestion to publicize the truth about misbehaving teachers “McCarthyism.” Joseph McCarthy slandered people, lied about them, unjustly destroyed their reputations, all…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Editors View

Mountains’ Walking

UNLIKE the media staples of sex, money, and power, the more we read about environmentalism, the less inclined we are to read more. And yet, there are the facts. Facts and more facts. One’s genuine interest…

By Helen Tworkov

Magazine | Reviews

Book Reviews – Winter 1993

SELF AND LIBERATION: The Jung/Buddhism Dialogue Edited by Daniel Meckel and Robert L. MoorePaulist Press: New York, 1992. 338 pp., $19.95 (paper). Michele Martin AFTER DECADES of exchange, many Buddhist practitioners and an increasing number of…

By Tricycle

Magazine | On Film

Meanwhile, Back in Japan…

Between Two Worlds, by Joanne Hershfield and Susan Lloyd, 30 minutes, (512-444-7232), individuals, $39.95; institutions, $89.95. Japanese Pilgrimage: The Pilgrimage to the Eighty-eight Sacred Places of Shikoku, by Oliver Statler, 30 minutes, University of Hawaii Press…

[Michelle, Houston] And [Isaac, Friedman] Michelle Houston

Magazine | In the News

Winter 1993

ARIZONA UPDATE In July, jurors convicted Jonathan Doody, nineteen, of a mass murder that shook the international Buddhist community. In 1991, six Thai monks, a nun, a monk-in-training, and a temple helper were shot execution-style at…

By Tricycle