What arachnids can teach us about restraint and awareness.
The Bare Experience of Craving
A teaching on letting go of our perceived objects of desire and the freedom that comes with attuned awareness.
Personal Reflections Buddhist Chaplaincy
Listening As Spiritual Care
Author and dharma teacher Willa Blythe Baker on the often overlooked and healing qualities of attuned attention
A Guide to Changing How We Relate to Difficult Emotions
In an excerpt from her new online course, “Real Life,” Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg provides strategies for dealing with intrusive thoughts and painful mind states.
Read Me!
Right speech meets the comments section
The Cave of the Heart
Why opening the heart-mind is crucial for realizing awake awareness
Being Aware of Awareness
Za Choeje Rinpoche introduces a profound way to open the mind and to rest in awareness, accessing more freedom.
Seeing the Unseen
How can we be good spiritual friends and build more welcoming and inclusive sanghas? It starts with seeing who is not in the room.
Meditation Meditation Instructions
Slow Down, Take Your Seat
A meditation practice for relaxing into your experience and being with things as they are
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