
The Buddhist Review
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IdeasMagazine | Special Section

Camp Dharma

The recent talk of a Muslim registry isn’t the first time the United States government has targeted individuals based on their religion. Duncan Ryuken Williams shares the often overlooked stories of Buddhist Japanese Americans who were…

By Duncan Ryuken Williams


Image of misery by Kathe Kollwotz for story on Buddhist death ritual

Magazine | Feature

Washing My Boy’s Body

When a hospice counselor is called to the bedside of a child who has just died, he leads the parents through a Buddhist ritual for cleaning the body. In the process, he guides them through the…

By Frank Ostaseski

monks at a vesak ceremony

Magazine | Feature

Only Connect

In a place where Buddhist roots don't run deep, the Northwest Dharma Association is making efforts to build bridges across disparate Buddhist groups––some of which exist side-by-side yet remain unaware of each other.

By Steve Wilhelm

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