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Magazine | Editors View

The Spirit of Inquiry

Science has not been kind to religion. For a few centuries now science has been chipping away at reiigion’s most cherished beliefs, leaving none but the most stalwart to argue the believability of a parting sea…

By James Shaheen

Magazine | Parting Words


The wanderer vacchagotta once asked the Buddha what became of the Tathagata (the “Enlightened One”) after death. But no matter how Vacchagotta phrased the inquiry, the Buddha explained that his question did not apply. Finally, he…

By Clark Strand

Magazine | Letters

Letters to the Editor Spring 2003

Point Counterpoint Thank you for Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s interesting article, “Romancing the Buddha” (Winter 2002). The piece makes the important point that the roots of Western interest in Asian religions go back to the Romantics. However, when…

By Tricycle

CultureMagazine | Reviews

Buddhist Himalayas

Buddhist HimalayasPhotographs by Oliver and Danielle Föllmi and Matthieu RicardNew York: Abrams, 2002423 pp.; $55.00 (cloth) Spacious landscapes move us. Why? Because we ourselves are, in essence, the moving center of an infinite openness. This metaphor…

By Steven D. Goodman

Magazine | Contributors

Contributors Spring 2003

Andrew Cooper [“Modernity’s God-shaped Hole,”] reflects: “Knocking around among various Buddhist schools, I was struck by how each particular story of the path seems to elicit congruent experiences. In other words, Zen folks have Zen experiences,…

By Tricycle

IdeasMagazine | Interview

Practice First

What is it like to be the abbot of a downtown zendo in post-9/11 New York City? Sensei Enkyo O’Hara talks to Tricycle about taking a stand, facing the enemy, and recent changes in her sangha.

By Tricycle

Magazine | Reviews

Books in Brief Spring 2003

The Practice of DzogchenLongchen RabjamIthaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2002488 pp.; $34.95 (cloth) Written by Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363), the celebrated adept of the Nyingma sect of Tibetan Buddhism, The Practice of Dzogchen is an anthology of…

By Tricycle

CultureMagazine | Reviews

Westward Dharma: Buddhism Beyond Asia

Westward Dharma: Buddhism Beyond AsiaCharles S. Prebish and Martin BaumannBerkeley: University of California Press, 2002436 pp.; $21.95 (paper) For many Westerners interested in Buddhism, the question of Buddhism’s adaptation to non-Asian environments and sensibilities is a…

By Jeff Wilson