
The Buddhist Review
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Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature

Eye on the Ball

George Mumford, sports psychologist and L.A. Lakers meditation coach, talks about his troubled youth, his encounter with Buddhism, and the peculiar challenge of putting a ball into a basket. Katy Butler talks with the man behind…

By Tricycle


CultureMagazine | Insights


In a little-known manuscript, as well as in his published works, Jack Kerouac imbued the haiku poem with his Beat ethic, yielding poems that he called “pops.” In true Kerouacian spirit, “pops” both embrace and reject…

By Jack Kerouac

Magazine | Contributors

Contributors Summer 2003

David R. Loy [“What Are You Really Afraid Of?” and “Why We Love War”] reflects on the interface between traditional Buddhist teachings and contemporary issues: “Buddhist insights must inform, and be informed by, what the modern…

By Tricycle

Magazine | On Practice

Dana Worksheet

Here are some questions to help you develop your practice of dana. Your answers will suggest what you might like to change—and what you might like to keep the same—about how you give and receive. Answer…

By Tricycle

CultureMagazine | Reviews

Much Ado About Nothingness

The Cult of Nothingness:The Philosophers and the BuddhaRoger-Pol DroitTranslated by David Streight and Pamela VohnsonChapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003288 pp.; $59.95 (cloth), $24.95 (paper) What do people think about when they think about…

By John House

Magazine | Insights

John Muir and One Breath

In his book Caught in Fading Light, Gary Thorp recounts his quest to spot a cougar in the mountains of northern California. Using the literary form of nikki bungaku, a traditional Japanese diary-writing style, he explores…

By Gary Thorp

Magazine | Parting Words

Parting Words

  What goes through the mind of the person who chooses to go to jail rather than betray his spiritual convictions? The person who, refusing to be swept up in the militant patriotism that precedes most…

By Clark Strand

CultureMagazine | Reviews

More Precious Than Gold Dust

Historically, Tibet, like other Buddhist countries in Asia, had built-in ways to support dedicated practitioners and scholars who translated important texts. Some monasteries received tax money; others owned property leased to farmers in return for a…

By Barbara Stewart

MeditationMagazine | On Practice

Dana: The Practice of Giving

Dana (pronounced “DAH-nuh”), noun. Sanskrit, Pali, roughly “gift, alms, donation”; voluntary giving of materials, energy, or wisdom (dharma) to others; generosity; regarded as one of the most important Buddhist virtues. Simple acts of giving—whether material, emotional,…

By The Editors

Magazine | Letters

Letters to the Editor Summer 2003

Faith In Faith?Andrew Cooper’s interesting article “Modernity’s God-Shaped Hole” [Spring 2003] concludes with the largely unsupported statement that “we humans are inescapably religious.” This declaration of faith in faith, which puts Cooper in the mythos camp…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Reviews

Books in Brief Summer 2003

Though Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, founder of the San Francisco Zen Center, died in 1971, his influence lives on, as books by his students—and his students’ students—continue to roll out. Among the latest: No Beginning, No End:…

By Joan Duncan Oliver

Magazine | Insights

Carried From Here

Tsering Wangmo Dhompa grew up in the Tibetan communities of India and Nepal, and moved to the United States to attend college and graduate school. Her collection of poems, Rules of the House, the first book…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Editors View

A Religion of Practice

To the chagrin of some and the delight of others, syncretic practices and novel applications of Buddhist wisdom continue to spring up in contemporary life. As we sent this issue to press, what struck me once…

By James Shaheen

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