The Buddhist Review
Back Issues

In This Issue

Son of a Gun
An arms manufacturer’s son visits home after moving to a Zen monastery.

Which Buddhist Personality Type Are You?
Greedy, Aversive, or Deluded? Find out with this guide—and quiz!

Why Buddhism Needs the West
Buddhism has been a boon to the West. Can the West return the favor?

Bernie Glassman’s Excellent Adventure
The famed American Zen teacher, clown, and social worker is thinking big—again.
Contributors Spring 2009
Contributors include Roshi Pat Enkyo O'Hara, Danny Fisher, Amita Schmidt, and David Meanix.
The Big Sit
A letter from Tricycle’s editor, James Shaheen

Letters Spring 2009
Our readers respond to Tricycle’s print and online stories.

Looking Inward, Seeing Outward
As Reggie Ray explains, finding embodiment in meditation is a social matter.
![[Watercolor image of candlelight] © Rami Efal gratitude and generosity](https://tricycle.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/rich-generosity_spring-2009-560x400.jpg)
Rich Generosity
Master Sheng Yen on transferring merit

A Quiver of the Heart
Sharon Salzberg offers a lesson in compassion.

Golden Retrievals
Fetch? Balls and sticks capture my attention seconds at a time. Catch? I don’t think so. Bunny, tumbling leaf, a squirrel who’s–oh Joy—actually scared. Sniff the wind, then I’m off again: muck, pond, ditch, residue of…

MeditationMagazine | Give & Take
Living the Life You Wish to Live
Stephen and Ondrea Levine, counselors and meditation teachers, sit down with psychotherapist Barbara Platek to speak about easing the transition from life to death.

Mindful Music
Ravenna Michalsen keeps the dharma alive in song.

Personal ReflectionsMagazine | My View
Lotuses and Lilies
Clark Strand walks the common ground of two great traditions.

MeditationMagazine | Dharma Talk
The Three Things We Fear Most
Ezra Bayda teaches that by truly knowing our fears, we can break their spell
The Big Sit
Tricycle’s 90-day Zen Meditation Challenge

An Introduction to Zen
Roshi Pat Enkyo O'Hara cuts through misconceptions to offer a thorough introduction to Zen practice.
The Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts
Read more on Tricycle’s 90-day Zen meditation challenge The Big Sit Introduction Introduction to Zen Setting Up Your Home Altar Genjokoan The Value of A Vow How to Sit The Bodhisattva Precepts Sign up for the…
MeditationMagazine | Into Practice
The Value of a Vow
This period of intensified practice allows us to examine how we can care for ourselves so that we are better able to serve others. By looking at the aspects of body, mind, and spirit we can…

Setting Up Your Home Altar
Most of us cannot afford a separate room for zazen, but all of us can make a corner sacred. Put your pad and cushion there, with a low table or shelf for incense, flowers, and a…
Study Dogen’s Genjokoan, the text selected for Tricycle’s 90-day Zen Meditation Challenge
How to Sit: Tricycle’s Zen Meditation Challenge
Read more on Tricycle’s 90-day Zen meditation challenge The Big Sit Introduction Introduction to Zen Setting Up Your Home Altar Genjokoan The Value of A Vow How to Sit The Bodhisattva Precepts Join the Big Sit…
Down East Roshi
For decades, Walter Nowick has been quietly blazing a Zen trail on the northern coast of Maine. His blue jeans disguise a remarkable history
MeditationMagazine | Web Exclusive
Sitting Sermon
As both a Catholic nun and Zen roshi, Sister Elaine MacInnes provokes controversy while promoting inner peace.

MeditationMagazine | Portfolio
Zen and the Art of Dance
A portfolio by photographer David Meanix with text by contributing editor Mary Talbot
TeachingsMagazine | Web Exclusive
Podcast: Interview with Sharon Salzberg
Sharon Salzberg stopped by the Tricycle office on Friday, January 23rd, and spoke with managing editor Alex Kaloyanides about her new book, The Kindness Handbook, published by Sounds True. She also spoke about the Brahmaviharas or…

The Buddha of Infinite Light and Life
Mark and Taitetsu Unno speak with Tricycle’s Jeff Wilson about the subtle wisdom at the heart of Pure Land Buddhist practice
Buddhist Women Meet in Mongolia
SANDY BOUCHER attends this year’s Sakyadita Conference
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | On Gardening
A Season of Nonviolence
In a time for remembrance, poppies thin the veil between worlds.
Abroad But Not Adrift
The Writings of a Zen Missionary
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Gems from a quarter century of wisdom and irreverence
The Trouble with Kids These Days
How Buddhism can help
Buddhist Thoughts on The Battle for God
Is fundamentalism a good reason to ditch religion?

What I’m Reading Spring 2009
As an artist and dharma student, I’ve always felt a deep connection to, and appreciation for, the calligraphy of the Japanese Zen masters. Initially I thought that Chinese Calligraphy…

Books in Brief Spring 2009
With his first two books, Hardcore Zen and Sit Down & Shut Up, Brad Warner attracted a following—and no small amount of indignation at his irreverent take on the Buddha’s teachings. In…

The Path, Illustrated
The Path, Illustrated