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Magazine | Reviews

Books in Brief Spring 2004

Chögyam Trungpa was a monumental force in establishing Buddhism in the West. Introducing thousands to meditation, the charismatic Tibetan teacher set up more than a hundred centers and Naropa University, and wrote prolifically, including thirteen books…

By Joan Duncan Oliver

Magazine | Afterword

The Green Lama

  “I think I’ll go home and meditate…on murder!” —The Green Lama in “The Man Who Never Existed” (radio show) The Green Lama, a superhero invented by writer Kendell Foster Crossen, appeared in comic books and…

[Kendra Crossen Burroughs] and [Karen, Ready] Karen Ready

Magazine | Insights

The Stick

While living in Japan, spiritual seeker, author, and entrepreneur William Segal sent this aerogram to his wife in New York City to illustrate his experience with the kyosaku stick, or “Zen stick.”

By William Segal

Magazine | Editors View

What Does It Take?

“If you see a greater pleasure that comes from forsaking a lesser pleasure, be willing to forsake that lesser pleasure for the greater one,” writes Thai forest monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu, paraphrasing the Buddha in this issue’s…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Contributors

Contributors Spring 2004

Harvard psychologist Jack Engler reflects on his study of Buddhist practice in the special section “Enlightenment in this Lifetime”. He says, “Though I’ve written a lot about practice, and about Buddhist and Western psychology, I’ve never…

By Tricycle

Magazine | Insights

Buddha Buzz Spring 2004

The Envelope, PleaseMonks at Sherab Ling Monastery in India may soon have a new statue to add to their collection. Their album, Sacred Tibetan Chant, has been nominated for the 2003 Grammy award for best traditional…

By Jeff Wilson

Magazine | Letters

Letters To The Editor Spring 2004

Chant or Cant?As a practitioner of Nichiren Buddhism with the Soka Gakkai, I have certainly come across articles and other writings on our organization. (I used to marvel at the fact that the SGI was rarely,…

By Tricycle