The Buddhist Review
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In This Issue
Living Buddhism
Buddhism is not just a set of techniques for self-help. There is something much bigger going on.
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Feature
Lifting a Corner
Three Western Buddhist practitioners share their stories.
Special Section: Generosity
Introducing the special section on generosity
Compassion Restored
An interview with Karen Armstrong, creator of the Charter for Compassion
The Joy of Giving
Generosity and the "instant karma" it generates
The Bodhisattva’s Gift
When we intentionally reach out to others in giving, positive self-transformation occurs.
Journey to Enlightenment
A Thai woman's long path to ordination
Featured Contributors Winter 2011
Featured contributors include Dharmavidya David Brazier and Alison Wright.
Letters to the Editor Winter 2011
A selection of letters sent by Tricycle readers
Encourage Others
A letter from Tricycle’s editor
Dear Abbey Dharma Winter 2011
Advice from Abbey Dharma
TeachingsMagazine | Brief Teachings
A Cheerful “Good Morning”
Select wisdom from sources old and new
Healed People Heal People
Rusty Trunzo and the Insight Prison Project
Set the Compass of Your Heart
Select wisdom from sources old and new
Select wisdom from sources old and new
Intelligence & Investigation
Select wisdom from sources old and new
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | This Buddhist Life
An interview with Vanessa Veselka
A Q&A with author Vanessa Veselka
Cause for Celebration
A dinner party invocation
Unbowed Ground
Lavender for comfort, rosemary for strength
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Animal Realm
Fitted Beauty
The stamp of the African elephant
MeditationMagazine | Online Retreats
Meditation in Motion
How to be present in your body
TeachingsMagazine | Dharma Talk
From Thought to Stillness
Breathing life into the suttas
Sex, Sin, and Zen
Brad Warner discusses Buddhist blogging, power, and the generation gap
Personal ReflectionsMagazine | Ancestors
Zen Every Day
A remembrance of Charlotte Joko Beck
Pain, Passion, and the Precepts
In upholding the precepts, we actualize our buddhanature
Kalachakra 2011
Photographs from the 2011 Kalachakra
MeditationMagazine | Thus Have I Heard
Primordial Soup
Wrestling with wholesome and unwholesome impulses
IdeasMagazine | Earth Touching
The Greatest Danger
To open the doorway to realization we must first confront our despair
G-20 Dharma
Nonviolence and engaged living
My Reincarnation
A new documentary by Jennifer Fox
The Science of Awakening
Notes from the first Buddhist Geeks conference
Art of Gandhara
"The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan," an exhibit at Asia Society in New York City
Spacious, Nothing Special
Remembering Zen teacher Charlotte Joko Beck
Books in Brief
Covering the latest in Buddhist publishing
CultureMagazine | Parting Words
It Was Worth It
Parting words from Michael Wenger